The Indira Gandhi National Open University has extended the application form filling date as per the latest notification from the administration from the university officials. The IGNOU Official tweet reads that the last date for filling out June TEE 2022 application forms has been extended by the university which examinations are scheduled from 22nd July to September 05th 2022.
Earlier the last date for the June TEE form filling date was the 5th of June but the new date is the 30th of June. Now, students can easily submit their examination forms latest by the 30th of June, 2022. Per course examination fee is rupees 200 INR which can be easily paid using the online payment services of Indira Gandhi National Open University through its official website is
The IGNOU official tweet of June 27th says that the last date for the submission of the application forms without a late fee has been extended to the 30th of June, 2022 up to midnight. Also, the last date with the late fee has been extended to the 5th of July 2022 which was the 1st of July.
June TEE Application procedure
Follow these steps to know the step-wise application procedure for June TEE. The points are provided below:
- First and foremost, go to the official web page of IGNOU that is
- After that, candidates need to hit the June 2022 form link provided on the home page of IGNOU.
- Now, proceed with the instructions to fill out the form.
- Next, tap on submit button there.
- Take a printout of the form for future reference.
Note: The examinations for June TEE will be taken between July 22 to September 5th, 2022.
Hall tickets for the same are uploaded on the website of IGNOU approximately 7 to 10 days prior to the start of the term-end examination.